Mission: To Guide God's Children throughout the world back to our Heavenly Father's
loving heart through spiritual guidance, inner-healing prayer ministry, fellowship,
music, teen support, marriage support, Bible sharing, catechism and formation. To
bridge the gap between God’s children around the world through HIS Love echoing the
words of St. John (1 John 3:1): “See what love the Father has bestowed on us so that
we may be called the children of God.”
"Listen my son to what I tell you now. Do not be troubled or disturbed by anything;
do not fear illness or any other occurrence or pain. Am I not your mother? Am I not
life and health? Have I not placed you on my lap and made you my responsibility?
Do you need anything else?" - Words from Our Lady of Guadalupe to Saint Juan Diego
on December 12, 1531.